Anti-Bullying and Anti-Violence Education in cultivating a culture of peace in Gamping District Elementary Schools


  • Yeyen Febrilia Basic Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Diyah Puspitarini Elementary School Teacher Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ridwan Amal Rizki Elementary School Teacher Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Nailul Fauziyah Elementary School Teacher Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Rahmat Boli Raya Guidance and Counselling, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Children,, Bullying, , Education,, Peace,, Violence


This research aims to describe anti-bullying and anti-violence education in cultivating a culture of peace and anti-violence in elementary schools in Gamping District. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of this research is bullying and violence education at the Jabal Nur Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3 Elementary School, Mejing 1 Gamping Elementary School, and Kanisius Gamping Elementary School. Furthermore, the object of this research is elementary school students. The results of this research were carried out in this education, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. Planning is carried out by analyzing the background using existing archives and data, coordinating with the school, and determining the schedule. Implementation is carried out by providing delivery using the lecture method assisted by PPT, video, and questions and answers between resource persons and students. Next, students are given educational sheets to strengthen students' understanding. The next stage is evaluation by reinforcing students, recommendations to schools and parents, as well as taking part in emphasizing anti-bullying and anti-violence education periodically and continuously so that a culture of peace will always be maintained so that a culture of peace is formed in schools.


